About the Journal

The Journal of Education and Social Research is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online. The journal aims to appeal to an interdisciplinary audience and author group that focuses on social science research that is relevant to the real world.

ESAR includes articles from a wide variety of fields in the fields of social sciences, especially educational sciences, history, geography, language and literature, anthropology, political science, international relations, sociology, social policy, social work and psychology which will provide publication conditions and add innovation to the field. With its effective and qualified double-blind peer reviewing process, it aims to present new and innovative studies from the field of Social Sciences to the academia and to the broader public, thus maintaining its place as a dynamic platform to include these studies in social sciences research and to provide an environment for academic discussion and improvement.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): ESAR- Journal of Education and Social Sciences Research
					View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): ESAR- Journal of Education and Social Sciences Research

The Journal of Education and Social Research is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published online. The journal aims to appeal to an interdisciplinary audience and author group that focuses on social science research that is relevant to the real world.

ESAR includes articles from a wide variety of fields in the fields of social sciences, especially educational sciences, history, geography, language and literature, anthropology, political science, international relations, sociology, social policy, social work and psychology which will provide publication conditions and add innovation to the field. With its effective and qualified double-blind peer reviewing process, it aims to present new and innovative studies from the field of Social Sciences to the academia and to the broader public, thus maintaining its place as a dynamic platform to include these studies in social sciences research and to provide an environment for academic discussion and improvement.

Published: 2023-12-31

Full Issue


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