Harmonization of Vocational and Technical Education Plastic Technology Curriculum and MYK National Qualifications





Vocational Qualifications Institute (VQI), Vocational Technical Education (VTE), Educational Programs, Plastic Technology, Occupational Standards, Qualifications and Program Compatibility


This study aims to evaluate the alignment between the competencies of the Vocational Qualification Institution (VQI) and the Plastic Technology (PT) Programs within the realm of Technical Vocational Training. The survey method serves as the primary instrument, engaging workshop leaders, area heads, educators, and administrators from Turkey's vocational and technical high schools at the high school level. In the domains of labor and safety, as well as production readiness, the competencies of the Technical and Vocational Training and the Vocational Qualification Institute demonstrate a high degree of conformity with Plastic Technology programs. Nevertheless, notable areas requiring improvement include computer-aided drawing, plastic blowing, and foreign language acquisition. These findings suggest valuable insights for recommendations on enhancing alignment, program refinement, and qualification conformity. The study's outcomes are anticipated to contribute significant data for guiding future initiatives aimed at achieving greater alignment in these critical areas.


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How to Cite

Harmonization of Vocational and Technical Education Plastic Technology Curriculum and MYK National Qualifications. (2023). ESAR Journal, 4(2), 81-96. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10459626

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